Dr. Charles Kaufman
Dr. Kenneth Jaffe

Hours of Operation
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri:
10am - 7pm
Thurs & Sat:
9am - 2pm

For Appointments,
Please Call:

94 Avenue U
Brooklyn, New York 11223


Most x-rays are done during the office visit

and we go over the interpretation of the films with the pet owner. 

The vast majority of x-rays are done without sedation or anesthesia.  If your pet is very nervous, we allow you to be next to (not in) the x-ray room to give verbal assurance and comfort.

Some technical x-rays require general anesthesia.  As with any general anesthesia, we recommend prior laboratory testing. The details of these x-rays will be explained prior to the procedure.


Ultrasounds are considered more advanced imaging.  These procedures are done in our office and the results are usually available within two hours.

Appointments for these procedures must be scheduled in advance.

To Schedule An Appointment, Please Call Us 718-373-0240

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