Dr. Charles Kaufman
Dr. Kenneth Jaffe

Hours of Operation
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri:
10am - 7pm
Thurs & Sat:
9am - 2pm

For Appointments,
Please Call:

94 Avenue U
Brooklyn, New York 11223

Pain Management

One of our most needed services is the alleviation of pain.

A pet can be in moderate to severe pain and not give a signal to the owner of the distress that he/she is feeling. Pets can often hide their distress very well. The behavioral changes that are important to recognize are:
  • Limping
  • Trembling
  • Licking one body area
  • Reluctance to walk normally
  • Abnormal body position
  • Lack of appetite
  • Whining
We have pain medications that can be administered orally or by injection.  Depending on the situation, we tailor the therapeutic approach based on the needs of the pet and the desire of the owner.

To Schedule An Appointment, Please Call Us 718-373-0240

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