MVU Veterinary Services, run as a team by Drs. Kenneth Jaffe and Charles Kaufman, provides a unique and versatile alternative to the modern trends in Veterinary medicine.
Founded in 1975 as a house call practice the Mobile Veterinary Unit (MVU) introduced a new concept in Veterinary service to the community. This unusual pet care service soon attracted attention and after articles appearing in New York Magazine, the Daily News and the New York Times, began to grow quickly.
MVU soon expanded to a central facility providing outpatient care, laboratory, x-rays, surgery, hospitalization and other services including boarding. Over the years many newly graduated Veterinarians have trained at MVU. Several are now in practice in the Metropolitan area. These Veterinarians learned by doing house calls. The Veterinary house call is very conducive to understanding what it takes to be a skilled doctor. History taking and the physical exam are the foundations of a doctor’s skill. With the aid of an assistant, medications and common sense, this is all that you have when you walk in the door to get the job done. The pressure is on and you learn because you have to. The house call also teaches compassion as the realities of peoples’ lives and your part in them become apparent.
Today we see many more people in our office but our practice is still based on what we’ve learned doing house calls: history taking and a complete physical exam. Over the years we have continued to fine-tune ourselves as we gain more and more experience. We now offer a practical and cost effective medical system. We try to tailor our care to the needs of the patient and the resources of the client.
We have an experienced, highly-skilled and dedicated staff and we all believe that quality care can be offered at affordable prices to keep your pet in the best of health. It is our experience that makes the difference.