Dr. Charles Kaufman
Dr. Kenneth Jaffe

Hours of Operation
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri:
10am - 7pm
Thurs & Sat:
9am - 2pm

For Appointments,
Please Call:

94 Avenue U
Brooklyn, New York 11223

Dentistry Services

The majority of dogs and cats over four years of age require periodontal care.

  Despite the greatest efforts to brush a pet’s teeth, most people find this task either difficult or impossible to do.

Lack of dental care leads to loss of teeth, foul mouth odors and absorption of bacteria into the blood stream.

We strongly advise our clients to have a dental cleaning on their pet when advised to do so.  The pet is usually dropped off in the morning and picked up in the late afternoon on the same day.  A pre-anesthetic evaluation is recommended before the procedure.

To Schedule An Appointment, Please Call Us 718-373-0240

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