Dr. Charles Kaufman
Dr. Kenneth Jaffe

Hours of Operation
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri:
10am - 7pm
Thurs & Sat:
9am - 2pm

For Appointments,
Please Call:

94 Avenue U
Brooklyn, New York 11223


MVU performs routine surgeries, such as spays, neutering and de-claws.  We also routinely perform more advanced, technical surgical procedures.  All surgeries, according to their complexity, are discussed in detail so as to keep the pet owner fully engaged in outcome, post-operative care and prognosis.  

All patients are carefully screened prior to surgery and monitored during the procedure.  We will answer any and all questions and concerns to make the owner feel at ease prior to and after surgery. We always requests contact phone number so that we are never without the ability to communicate.

We encourage pre-surgical testing for any surgery requiring general anesthesia.  This is strictly to ensure the safety of our patients.  It is not uncommon for us to request x-rays before certain procedures and especially on our geriatric cases.

Most surgical patients are sent home the same day of surgery.  MVU has learned that recuperation at home provides for a more speedy and uneventful recovery.

Since it is not uncommon for some patients to experience some discomfort post-operatively, we make sure that this discomfort is kept to a minimum.  We routinely administer analgesics at the time of surgery and post-operatively.  We also send patients home with analgesics when it is appropriate.


Many surgical procedures involving small tumors or masses can be removed with a local anesthetic.  The area is clipped and surgically prepped.  The area around the lesion is clipped to the skin to avoid any contamination and is surgically scrubbed as for any surgery.

The pet is fully awake and comfortable during the whole procedure.  There is no discomfort or pain.  By using a local anesthetic any general anesthetic risk is totally eliminated and a significant reduction in cost is provided.

The patient returns in 10 days, as with any surgery, to have the sutures removed, if it is necessary.

To Schedule An Appointment, Please Call Us 718-373-0240

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